To: Luke
From: Owen
Re: Hey Americans, Why The BBQ? Why? Why? Why?
This weekend, on my westward push I returned to Boulder for the first time since I was a newspaper reporter here, more than five years ago. Kotaku alumnus Adam Barenblat has put me up in his shanty apartment, where I managed to bomb his commode. Yesterday we visited some of his friends for a cookout, and I found posted in the kitchen that shrine to his inability to finish a beverage - alcoholic or otherwise.
Today I went to Denver and caught up with some folks I used to work with there. Drove around Cheesman Park, my usual run when I was the most fit I've ever been. It's 1.6 miles, and I used to do it three times around no problem. I'll probably give it a shot tomorrow.
Some highlights from an abbreviated weekend
LucasArts Announcing New Old Game On Monday
Taste the Painbow, Belgian Rofl Honored in Gamertag Awards
inFamous Defeats Prototype in Cross-Dressing Playoff
Valve: PS3 Orange Box Players "Got the Stepchild Version"
Donkey Kong Easter Egg Discovered 26 Years Later
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