The latest story mission for Fornite Chapter 5, Season 4 is here. This week’s batch of missions will have you running tasks for Shuri and Hope all throughout the island. This guide will detail everything you need to know about completing these quests.
Shuri’s Invention
- Stage 1 - Complete SHADOW briefings
- Stage 2 - Hold three different Epic or better items at one time
- Stage 3 - I hope Shuri’s Rift Recalibrators really can reverse the energetic flow of the Rift Beacons
- Stage 4 - With the Recalibrators in place, we’ll be able to test the tech on the Doombots
- Stage 5 - You have the all-clear! Find the Doombot and engage.
- Stage 6 - Shuri and I know what went wrong with the Rift Recalibrators. Come talk to me.
- Optional - Why are these Doombots behaving like loopers?
Complete SHADOW briefings

Shadow briefings are mini-missions that you can complete throughout the island. To complete this quest, you’ll need to finish two of them. You can easily find one by The Raft, Castle Doom, or going to the train station in Reckless Railways.
After you complete two of them, Hope will begin to fill you in on the next stage of her plan.
Hold three different Epic or better items at one time

This is a quest you can complete by naturally playing the game. All you need to do is hold three different Epic (Purple) items at once. We recommend landing at one of the Marvel-themed areas because all of them spawn good loot. You’ll complete the quest once you have all three in your inventory.
I hope Shuri’s Rift Recalibrators really can reverse the energetic flow of the Rift Beacons

To find Shuri, you’ll want to go East of the Nitrodrome. She can be found next to the gas station. When you get there, after you deliver the parts to her, Hope will call you and begin to tell you how she feels about everything that’s happening.
With the Recalibrators in place, we’ll be able to test the tech on the Doombots

To do this, you’ll need to visit three key locations around Castle Doom. If you’re having a hard time finding them, a highlighted area will appear once you see a big red structure that you had to put around for the Magneto quest last season. After you place four around the Doom Castle, you’ll complete the quest.
You have the all-clear! Find the Doombot and engage.

This is a straightforward quest to complete, but it can be challenging. All you need to do is eliminate the Doombot. We highly suggest playing it slow when you’re at Castle Doom, and if you’re really struggling, try waiting for someone else to start the fight. Wait for them to get his health low and swoop and kill them both.
Shuri and I know what went wrong with the Rift Recalibrators. Come talk to me.

For this quest, you’ll need to talk to Hope. She can be found in Sandy Steppes. Once you’re done talking to her, she’ll—and you’ll finish the final part of this week’s story quest.
Why are these Doombots behaving like loopers?
This is an optional story quest for you to complete. All you have to do is eliminate five players wearing a Doom skin, and after that, you’ll finish it and collect 5,000 XP.
You’re finally starting to take the fight to Doom now, congratulations!