X-Men’s master of magnetism, Magneto, has finally made his way to Fortnite. He’s one of many skins you can unlock if you’ve purchased the Chapter 5 Season 3 Battle Pass. Magneto has various cosmetic items you can unlock, but you’ll first need to complete a series of quests to get them. This guide will detail everything you need to know about unlocking Magneto.
You’ll have until August 16 to unlock Magneto and all of his various cosmetics. Here are all of Magneto’s Page 1 and Page 2 quests:
Page 1 Quests:
- Visit Weapon X Lab - Loading Screen
- Collect Magneto Power - Spray
- Magnetized Scrap (Pickaxe) - Travel distance in the air with Magneto Power equipped. (300)
- Magneto Banner Icon - Hit vehicles using Magneto Power. (10)
- Wasterlander Magneto/Wasteland’s Cloak - Complete 3 Page 1 Quests.
Page 2 Quests:
- What do you know about my suffering?! Allow me to show you real pain and anger! - Eliminate opponents with Magneto Power - Cmoticon
- I defy you to do your worst - Block hits using the Magento Power - Glider
- It is time that our enemies learn what we already know… That there is no place to hide - Damage opponents from one story above or higher - Wrap
- The time for subtlety is over. Now is the time for change - Configure Rift Beacons - Emote
- Wasterlander Magneto/Wasteland’s Cloak Complete Page 2 Quest (3)
Page 1 Magneto Quests
Visit Weapon X Lab

The Weapon X Lab can be found south of Grand Glacier. There’s not much to it except for a few chests inside, and once you step foot in the lab, you’ll unlock the loading screen.
Collect Magneto Power

To collect Magneto Power, you’ll want to visit Brawler’s Battleground and talk to Wasterlander Magneto. As soon as you open the dialogue wheel, you can purchase the Wastelander Magneto for 400 gold. It’s also worth noting that the Magneto Power can be found randomly via chests (but it’s rare). You’ll unlock the spray once you have it in your inventory.
Magnetized Scrap

To complete this quest, you’ll need to get your hands on the Magneto Power first. Find a high place on the map and shoot the weapon. When it’s been shot, you’ll begin to levitate for a short amount of time, and when you’re in the air, move around. Or you can just jump up and down a bunch of times. Once you do this, you’ll complete the quest and unlock the pickaxe.
Magneto Banner Icon

This is another quest that requires you to get the Magneto Power first. Once you have it, go to any car and hit it 10 times. After that, you’ll unlock the Banner Icon.
How to unlock Wastelander Magneto/Wasteland’s Cloak
To unlock the Wasterlander Magneto skin and the Wasteland’s Cloak, you must complete three quests on page one. It doesn’t matter which ones you do first. As long as you’ve completed them, you’ll unlock both items.
Page 2 Magneto Quests
What do you know about my suffering?! Allow me to show you real pain and anger!

To complete this quest, you’ll need to eliminate five opponents with Magneto Power. Thankfully, this power does a lot of damage, so if you time your shots right, you’ll be able to quickly kill five different players.
I defy you to do your worst

To complete this quest, you’ll once again need Magneto Power. Once you get a hold of it, you’ll need to block 200 damage with it. To do this, all you need to do is hold the aim button. You aren’t restricted to blocking damage from other players. You can block NPC shots to complete the quest.
It is time that our enemies learn what we already know…That there is no place to hide

This is yet another quest that requires you to use Magneto Power. As soon as you get your hands on it, you’ll need to damage an opponent from one story or more. For this, we recommend not using it at the start of a fight. Instead, lead them to higher ground and then use it. Another way you can complete this is by standing on high ground and shooting down at them. This quest may be a bit harder than the others, so take your time with it.
The time for subtlety is over. Now is the time for change

To complete this quest, you’ll need to configure three rift beacons. Below is a picture of where they can be found throughout the island.

Once you get near one, press the action button to boot it up. You can do all three in a single match if you’re fast enough. However, doing so will require you to use a vehicle.
How to unlock Wasterlander Magneto (Style Magneto) /Magneto’s Cape
You’ll need to complete three quests on page two to unlock the variant style Wasterlander Magneto (Style Magneto) skin and the Magneto’s Cape. It doesn’t matter which ones you do first. As long as you’ve completed them, you’ll unlock both items.
With those quests out of the way, revel in the power of magnetism and enjoy playing as Magneto!