Weeks after getting caught pushing a dubious crypto currency scheme on fans and being dropped from the popular gaming influencer group FaZe Clan as a result, former member Frazier “Kay” Khattri is back trying to get the YouTube videos detailing the scam removed with a legal cease and desist order. Surely that will stop the weeks old truth from getting out.
“Kay sent me a cease and desist letter yesterday for my SaveTheKids video,” YouTuber Coffeezilla, known for making popular videos that profess to uncover internet scams, wrote on Twitter last night. “He says I caused him to lose ‘millions in revenue’ and that if I don’t delete my videos, he’s going to sue me.” The tweet was also accompanied by a new YouTube video that pours over the cease and desist letter at length. One of the things it accuses Coffeezilla of is “extortion” for asking Kay to comment on his and other YouTubers’ findings. Asking for comment is a standard journalistic practice.
“You well know that Mr. Khattri was not the bad actor here—and, in fact, was a victim. Nevertheless, you made the following, among other, attention-grabbing false and defamatory statements about Mr. Khattri,” part of the letter reads. Those “false and defamatory statements” include things like saying Kay “dumped all of his kids [sic] tokens immediately” and “He’s just selling everything as fast as humanly possible.”
Coffeezilla, FaZe Clan, Kay, and Kay’s lawyer did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
This all started last month when Coffeezilla and YouTuber SomeOrdinaryGamers released videos looking into a new crypto currency called SaveTheKids that would allegedly donate some of the proceeds to charity. When it was revealed, it was being pushed by Kay and others on their social media platforms to help encourage other people to invest in it. Alternatives to more established blockchain currency like Bitcoin have been sprouting up all over the place in recent months, often fueled by memes as well as actual billionaire businessmen like Elon Musk.
Sometimes the tokens go up in value. More often than not they remain stagnant or plummet. The latter is what happened to SaveTheKids. After Kay and others encouraged fans to invest in it, the cryptocurrency eventually dropped from being worth one penny to about one tenth of a penny—but not before the pre-sale buyers of the token profited massively from it. Some fans revolted. YouTube videos about the mess started pouring out. And eventually FaZe Clan kicked Kay from its roster and suspended a number of others.
“Please, please do not believe what you’re hearing online,” Kay said in his latest YouTube video posted July 9. “We’ve uncovered significant evidence that a dishonest person abused his trust with me to scam everybody.” In the video he goes on to say that he can’t explain more for legal reasons, but that he’s currently working with “authorities” to try and catch the person responsible for the scam.
Others, like Coffeezilla and SomeOrdiaryGamers, aren’t buying Kay’s attempt to paint himself as a naive victim who got played like everyone else. The latter released a new video yesterday digging further into SaveTheKids crypto push, while the former said he has a new video coming as well. In response, Kay seems willing to take his apology tour to court, where I’m sure things will go great.