Electronic Arts today offered a first look at gameplay within Madden NFL 13 for the Wii U, but in a presentation listing the game's features, the new runtime physics engine bringing dynamic collisions to the game's PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions was not mentioned.
Refinements to the passing system and to wide receiver catch animations all were mentioned, alongside the "Connected Careers" suite of career modes and the new broadcast team of Phil Simms and Jim Nantz.
But the "Infinity Engine," which promises to deliver more realistic play outcomes, after contact, on the 360 and PS3 version was conspicious by its absence.
In a short demonstration, EA Sports' Yuri Bialoskursky showed off the unique functionality that the Wii U's GamePad and its touch screen will bring to Madden 13 chiefly in the means of drawing up routes for wide receivers at the line of scrimmage. This feature has been mentioned, at least in theory, as far back as E3 2011.
Kotaku is following up with EA Sports for a final word on whether real-time physics will or won't appear in Madden's Wii U version.