The goal of any loot shooter like The First Descendant is to regularly increase in power. After all, you want to feel stronger, right? Don’t you want to storm through enemies, dealing immense damage with every strike, becoming an unstoppable machine to stop the Vulgus in its tracks?
Achieving a higher Mastery Rank is the way to become unstoppably superhuman in The First Descendant.That means gaining experience in various ways out in the field. Unfortunately, doing so optimally is not so cut-and-dry, however.
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Here is how to increase your Mastery Rank effectively in The First Descendant!
How to level your Mastery Rank
While The First Descendant does explain quite a bit of itself to you, there are multiple systems and mechanics in the background that it could stand to explain better. Good thing we’re here to help you out with that.
One such tricky system is the Mastery Rank mechanic, which directly affects your Descendant’s power by increasing the following stats:
Descendant Module
- Capacity
- Slots
Weapon Module
- Capacity
- Slots
Equipment Inventory
- Slots
Storage Slot
- Slots
Consumable Inventory
- Slots
Shape Stabilizer Inventory Limit
Each time you increase your Mastery Rank, these and other benefits become available. With additional Modules, especially, you’ll grow in power by dealing additional damage, increasing maximum health, and enabling a more powerful shield to block incoming damage.

But before you can reach that point, you must increase your Mastery Rank by earning Master Rank EXP. For that, you should focus on the following:
- Completing zone missions for the first time.
- Increasing weapon proficiency levels through use.
- Level up your Descendant
These three methods will gradually earn you Mastery Rank EXP. When you have acquired enough, the game will notify you of an impending Mastery Rank. But you can’t activate the power-up mid-mission. For that, you must return to Albion.
Where to increase your Mastery Rank
Upon receiving a notification that you’ve achieved a new Mastery Rank, you don’t need to drop everything you’re doing to return to Albion immediately. It’s wise to revisit the hub area before launching a dungeon or raid.
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Once back at Albion, locate Prime Hands near the entrance. It’s a circular room with a large pair of hands hovering over and below a circular platform. To the right-hand side of the mechanism, you’ll find a terminal you can interact with.

When interacting with the terminal, long-press the action button to Mastery Rank Up. Once you do, a short cutscene will play in which your Descendant steps onto the platform in the center of the room, and the two hands close around you, emitting massive energy to increase your power level.
What is the max Mastery Rank level?
As of mid-July, 2024, the max Mastery Rank is 30. Once you reach peak Mastery Rank, you’ll unlock all of the system’s benefits, including additional inventory space, better and stronger Modules, and more space for loot.
The Mastery Rank system in The First Descendant is a long-term mechanic designed to keep you invested in your Descendant. The longer you play the same character, the longer it takes to rank up your Mastery. But by the time you finish, you’ll be an unstoppable machine against the Vulgus!