Fire Emblem: Three Houses is coming back, this time as the frenetic hack-and-slash game Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. The Musou-style game arrives on Nintendo Switch on June 24, 2022.
Here’s the trailer:
Revealed during today’s Nintendo Direct, Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude will fight new battles set in the same world as Three Houses, but with real-time action taking the place of turn-based tactical combat.
It’s a formula that worked well for 2017's Fire Emblem Warriors, but will hopefully be even better this time around, since the game won’t also need to be playable on 3DS. Dynasty Warrior-like spinoffs have come a long way in recent years. Last year’s Persona 5 Strikers was exceptional, for example, at least when it came to the button-mashing and vibes. The stories often pale in comparison to their source material.
A series that for a long time Nintendo didn’t even bother to localize over seas, Fire Emblem has become one of the console manufacturer’s go-to A-list franchises since the launch of the 3DS. Now nearly half of Smash Bros. Ultimate’s roster is Fire Emblem. It’s rumored Nintendo even at one point considered changing Super Smash Bros.’s name to Fire Emblem Bros.
The launch of Fire Emblem Awakening on DS in 2012 was followed by Fates in 2015, Echoes in 2017, and then Three Houses in 2019. So we’re about due for another one, but in the meantime another Warriors spinoff.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses is also one of the best games in the Fire Emblem series, so it’s ripe for the musou treatment, at least in a world where we don’t immediately get a direct sequel. Three Houses is great in part because of its detailed character interactions and relationship progression, but also tea time. Three Hopes better also have tea time.