Games can be so LOUD, and also often so poorly-written, that the opportunity for moments of quiet reflection often pass us by. Time then for some gaming haiku.
Haiku, the restrictive, formal Japanese art of poetry, is often able to reduce even the most complex subject matter down to its core elements. So it is with video games, writers Oliver Campbell and Danika Potts doing a damn fine job with the following:
Timeless hero of the brush
Save the day, paint wolf!
Heavy Rain
Photographer chick
should have dipped out days ago
maybe new girlfriend?
Final Fantasy XIII
For Cocoon, or pulse
apocalypse approaches
Um, I don't get it
God Hand
Use your roulette wheel
Spank those women extra hard
that boss has no junk
Dead Rising
Trust your life to Frank
for he's covered wars, you know
beware the raincoats
Go, good luck mutant
enemies aim perfectly
and can see through walls
Lan-di, he must die
meanwhile, ramen shops
pachinko beckons
Resident Evil 5
A virus erupts
zombies are pretty bad eh?
for some, black is worse
That's just a sample, there are plenty more over at EOGamer (link below).
Video Game Haiku [EOGamer, thanks Jim!]