Squeenix has revealed the Western release dates for of their upcoming HD remasters for FFX and FFX-2.
Both North America and Europe will be getting the games in March next year, on the 18th and on the 21st, respectively. In Japan, the compilation is still set to release in late December. We also have two new trailers; a one-point-five-minute cutscene showcase, above, and an extended version with some gameplay, below.
The announcements specifically mention the PlayStation 3 version of the HD re-release, adding that information about the Vita version will be made available later.
Correction: An original version of this story was titled "Final Fantasy X & X-2 HD Delayed, Now Set To Arrive in Spring." We've changed the headline for accuracy. We apologize for the error.
Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster Coming to PS3 March 18th, 2014 [PSBlog]
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