I’m having a problem playing Fantasian, the new turn-based RPG from Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi’s Mistwalker released today on Apple Arcade. I can’t stop pausing to look at how gorgeous the game’s real-life miniature diorama sets are. I didn’t say it was a bad problem.
If you have access to Apple Arcade and you enjoy turn-based role-playing games, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be playing Fantasian right now. It’s got Sakaguchi’s design, music by the legendary Nobuo Uematsu, and hand-crafted visuals that lovingly caress the eyes. Is it a little derivative? Sure. It’s got a spiky-haired protagonist with amnesia named Leo who hangs out with a guy named Sid.

But when the guy making the game is the guy who pioneered amnesiac adventurers hanging out with Cid, you can overlook these things. That is if you even notice things like story or character names with the sort of scenery Fantasian is doling out at any given moment. Even the game’s start screen is a work of art.

Aside from being good-looking and its strong pedigree, Fantasian has got some neat tricks up its sleeve to freshen up its old-school turn-based RPG foundation. Things like a device that allows the player to bank wandering monsters and battle them all at once in a pocket dimension. Or there’s my personal favorite feature, the ability to use your finger to curve spells in order to hit multiple creatures in battle.

How cool is that? It comes in super-handy when battling a screen full of enemies.
I’m really enjoying what I’ve played of Fantasian so far. I’m just not very far in the game, because as I mentioned, I can’t...


...taking screenshots.

I shall continue playing the game over the weekend, and I shall continue taking screenshots until my phone runs out of memory. Then I’ll switch to the iPad.