Charbroiled Buns | Until March 1, Quick, a Benelux fast food chain, is serving sithburgers on black buns to commemorate the 3D re-release of Star Wars: Episode I. (h/t Kevin Butler.)
Ace Attorney 5 Announced for Japan—Will It Go West?
Capcom dropped a bomb today, announcing in Japan that Gyakuten Saiban 5 will be made. Known in the west as Ace Attorney, this is cause for joy among fans of the courtroom adventure series, but international release plans are unconfirmed. More »
What the Video Game Vendor Selling Hot Dogs Knows About Life
Considering the source, it's an unlikely statement. When Oregon was marching to a No. 1 ranking and a berth in the national championship game in 2010, Richard Hofmeier was running an art gallery in Eugene's funky Whiteaker neighborhood. Where nearly every video game treats all-star status and on-field glory as the player's birthright, Hofmeier built a game to put you in the shoes of a guy selling hot dogs, far away from any stadium lights. And yet, "I'm obsessed with sports games," says the Seattle-based games designer and artist. "I want to make sports games, actually." More »
Remove Those Pictures of You Smoking Weed Before You Get Rid of Your Nintendo 3DS
It doesn't take a New Yorker profile writer to understand the significance of a picture of someone taking a ripping bong hit, left on a used 3DS. This chuckleworthy tale from the U.K. should reinforce the modern necessity of wiping all gaming devices of their data before you give them up for sale. More »
Family Research Council: 'Rebel Fleet Surrenders to Gay Empire'
The Family Research Council, acting in its role as wise counsel to all that goes into video games, hath finally noticedeth that BioWare intends to publish a game update to Star Wars: The Old Republic that accommodates same-sex relationships between player characters and NPCs. This didn't go over well with them, because they're total canon fiends who say there can never be anything gay about Star Wars, ever. More »
'Prankster's' Racial Slur Found in Minecraft Won't Be Removed til Next Update
Minecraft's head developer has elaborated on how a racial slur made it into a "snapshot build" of Minecraft's PC version, noting that it was not pushed to all users. As such, Mojang, the game's maker, won't remove the offensive language until the next such update. More »
Microsoft Moves to Seize Fake Halo 4 Beta's Domain
Whether motivated by trolling or delusional wish fulfillment, some guy tossed up a page pretending to be a registration site for a Halo 4 multiplayer beta last week. 343 Industries, the game's developer, quickly branded that as a fake, and the site was taken offline. That's not good enough for Microsoft. More »
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