One thing Fire Emblem: Three Houses does well is endear you to its memorable characters. After spending almost a hundred hours with the teens at Garreg Mach, I’m somehow still eager to see more of these characters’ hilarious interactions. It wasn’t a huge surprise when one fan took their huge personalities through the next logical step of teen socializing and imagined what it would be like if the students at Garreg Mach had Twitter accounts. I’ve been laughing about it for days, so I talked to the person behind the thread, Annie.
Annie is an 18-year-old college student who has been a huge Nintendo fan since middle school. As someone who writes fanfiction, getting character voices right really matters to them. Shitposting on Twitter is a good way to practice, and creating images of the tweets complete with profile avatars made it that much funnier.
“Fanfiction is as legitimate as fanart, it takes real hard work and skill to properly replicate a work,” Annie said over Twitter direct messages. “My dream job is localizing video games to make sure that words have the same weight & characters have the same voice after the game’s been translated, so fic writing for me is actually really useful preparation.”
Annie said that they were inspired by another Twitter thread that imagined the characters of cartoon Phineas and Ferb as K-pop fans and weaved a narrative out of it. They also said that they use their experiences on Twitter as inspiration. The students at Garreg Mach fall neatly into the kinds of people you see regularly on Twitter. Sylvain is pretty obviously a horny reply guy, and Marianne would absolutely vague tweet about being sad late at night. The fact that Felix keeps getting suspended for making death threats will never not be funny to me.
“It’s fun seeing where character tropes intersect with categories that real-life Twitter users fall into!” they said. “I’ve practiced capturing the ‘essence’ of the characters I write for years & it’s a tricky thing to explain. It’s important to look at all of the characters’ actions and layers and ask yourself, ‘Would they REALLY say/do xyz?’ I find mimicking speech patterns SUPER fun so I really love characters like Claude with unique and well-done voices.”
Annie’s experiment has been a rousing success, judging from the response they’ve gotten on Twitter. Their initial tweet from August 21 has over a thousand retweets, and the additions they’ve made over the days each rack up tweets and faves in the high hundreds. I have personally sent it to everyone that has played the game because it feels so true to life. How are you gonna tell me Caspar didn’t jack off Lindhart cause Lindhart’s arm was broken? Or that Dimitri doesn’t only return to Twitter to wish people a Happy Deduesday?
Annie said that the idea they’re most proud of is Raphael drawing pictures of his friends. “It gave me an opportunity to use my subpar drawing skills as a way to illustrate sweet friendships and make people happy!” they said.
I for one hope that Annie keeps adding more examples of the dumb ways the characters of Fire Emblem: Three Houses would talk to each other online. Maybe I’ll see Annie’s strong sense of character writing in a future Fire Emblem game someday.