We at Kotaku have been playing a lot of Fall Guys. There are 24 mini-games, and while many of them are good, there are some that are great and others that are terrible. We don’t all agree on which ones those are, though! So here are Fall Guys’ mini-games, ranked from best to worst.
A perfect ending to Fall Guys can be found in this mini-game of jumping between falling hexagons, which combines players’ ability to move, think, and outwit others. It’s all of Fall Guys distilled into one tense round.
The Whirlygig
There are a lot of obstacle course races in Fall Guys, but none are as wild and exciting as this one. The amount of options and the mix of moving turbines and chokepoints where people pile up creates a hectic race to the finish.
Hit Parade
This round is often short but sweet. Hit Parade has a fun, exciting mix of pinwheels to push past, a slippery ramp to climb, and balls to dodge.
Fall Ball
Do you like Rocket League? Congrats, Fall Guys contains a mini-game for you! It’s easily the best team game and one of the more competitive rounds you’ll have in a full match.
Dizzy Heights
Like Hit Parade, Dizzy Heights is a mix of different obstacles, like spinning platforms and rolling balls. It is a bit longer than Hit Parade, which can lead to frustration for less-skilled players.
Tip Toe
Often the most fun you’ll have in Fall Guys is watching how a large crowd of people deals with different situations. This is certainly the case for Tip Toe, which tasks players with crossing a large area made up of tiles that will either fall or hover to create one of two paths to the exit. Will you follow or lead?
Jump Club
Simple isn’t bad, and Jump Club is a great example. The object of Jump Club is to jump over a rotating pole without jumping into a higher one. Nothing too fancy, but a nice palette cleanser in matches with lots of races and obstacle courses.
Fall Mountain
This isn’t as tense or exciting of an end game as Hex-A-Gone, but it still works great as a final round. It reminds me a lot of the Aggro Crag and, like that finale, is simple but tricky. Oh, and DON’T FORGET TO GRAB THE CROWN!
Door Dash
Walls of closed doors stand between you and the end, but only some of these doors can be smashed through. Rush ahead and you might get lucky, but you could also hit a dead end and fall behind. Stay back and you can wait for others to do the hard work, but risk falling too far behind to qualify.
Gate Crash
Similar to Door Dash, but instead of doors you have walls that move up and down. You have to time your approach and when to jump. Gate Crash can feel a little too easy, but it can have some thrilling close calls at the end.
Block Party
This mini-game has all the players on a platform where blocks missing different sections slide across, forcing everyone to jump and run to make it through the holes without getting shoved off. There’s lots of yelling when playing with friends during this one. Block Party’s biggest problem is how easy it is—I’ve often played rounds where nobody loses.
See Saw
This mini-game and the next one on our list proved to be the most divisive among us, with some believing they are amazing and others finding them terrible. The biggest issue some have with See Saw is how it can feel like only the front of the pack can make it. If you get stuck with idiots (aka everyone else in a match of Fall Guys) you might lose while yelling a lot in frustration.
Slime Climb
The biggest complaint many who hate Slime Climb have is that it’s too hard and other players get in the way too much. But this tricky platforming is also rewarding if you make it to the top before the ever-rising slime kills you. It also often removes many players from a packed match, which helps make later rounds less chaotic.
Hoopsie Daisy
Around these parts, some of us aren’t the biggest fans of the team games in Fall Guys. Though Hoopsie Daisy isn’t the worst team game (we will get to that soon) it’s not that great. You jump through some hoops to score points. The hoops are random. Ehh.
Fruit Chute
Race up a hill while fruits fall down it. It’s fine, but I don’t know many people who are cheering when it shows up in a match.
Jump Showdown
It’s Jump Club, but with fewer people, more poles, and the winner takes the crown. The simplicity of games like Jump Club and Jump Showdown works great as a random round earlier in the match, but as the ending, Jump Showdown feels anti-climatic and not very special.
Giant balls need to be pushed towards your corner of the map in this team game. There are three teams and only the top two move on. There’s some strategy to this one, but I often spend most of my time getting grabbed or chasing a ball around. Not much fun.
Rock N Roll
Your team pushes a ball up an incline. Reach the end and your ball drops down into a goal. It can be too easy, a bit boring, and not fun if you have teammates who are focused on only pushing instead of running defense too.
Egg Scramble
Eggs need to be placed in your team’s section of the map. Egg Scramble is basically Hoarders with tinier balls, which need to be grabbed instead of pushed. Any mode that relies on grabbing is usually bad.
Two teams start with a few players who are covered with a pink mist. As they grab un-misted players on the other team, the jinx spreads. The first team to be completely covered in pink loses. While this mode feels oddly relevant and morbid in 2020, it isn’t much more than people running around looking for the last random person to grab.
Roll Out
All players are placed on a large rolling platform and then different obstacles and holes appear for them to dodge. This mini-game can be too easy, with few players falling. It can also take a few minutes to end, which in Fall Guys feels like an eternity.
Perfect Match
Hey, you know memory games where you match different pictures? Wanna play a bad version of that with other players? Probably not. So why is it here? Maybe to punish us?
Tail Tag
The worst team game in Fall Guys goes to Tail Tag, which has players running around trying to grab tails off other players on the other teams. The two teams with the most tails wins. This game combines annoying teammates with frustrating grab controls, and the end result is awful.
Royal Fumble
Imagine you’ve had a great match of Fall Guys and reach the end round. This is your moment. You could win it all. And then the Fall Guys gods laugh at you and force you to play a solo version of Tail Tag to decide who wins. Prepare to run around trying to use the game’s crude grab mechanics, only for whoever has the tail at the very end to actually matter anyway. Then prepare to buy a new controller as you toss yours against a wall.