Perhaps wanting to catch some of that crowd-pleasing lightning in a bottle from Nintendo's fabulous E3 2008 keynote, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe reps showed off EyeToy Play: Hero at the Edinburgh Interactive Festival. The PlayStation 2 game, revealed earlier this Spring, is touted as having one-to-one motion sensing, a phrase we've heard bandied about often since Nintendo revealed the Wii MotionPlus add-on. UK site DarkZero wrote up the first-person sword swinging adventure game's on-stage demo, which utilized the fluorescent-green foam toy sword to interpret a player's motions. That NERF-life sword comes packed in with the EyeToy Play sequel. SCEE London sounded pretty proud of themselves for developing the tech, but we'd actually seen it in an EyeToy game before. An early version of Harmonix's EyeToy Antigrav, a futuristic hoverboard game, was initially going to ship with bright green gloves to achieve the same effect. Ultimately, it didn't, depriving us of fingerless glove ownership (again). Sony to have 1:1 motion-tracking sword game by Xmas [Dark Zero]
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