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Everything Announced During Devolver Direct 2020

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Screenshot: Devolver Digital

In lieu of E3, the folks at Devolver Digital shared their latest nightmare look at the world of video games through a special “direct” presentation today. Here’s everything they showed off.

We got an extended look at Shadow Warrior 3. As expected, it’s very bloody. It will be available in 2021.

Massively multiplayer online party game Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout is coming to PlayStation 4 and Steam on August 4.

Carrion, which is essentially like playing The Thing as The Thing, heads to Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC on July 23.

SonicFox made an appearance because why not.

Image for article titled Everything Announced During Devolver Direct 2020
Screenshot: Devolver Digital

Nina Struthers’ very sweaty uncle from Nintendo revealed the latest gossip about Tom Nook (into the federal government for 600 large in unpaid taxes), Yoshi (did a nickel for possession with intent and formed a prison gang), and Kirby (divorced). But I guess we’re getting a Pikmin battle royale game in 2023, which is nice.

Oh, and this neat-looking Olija game is now available on Nintendo Switch and Steam. [Correction 4:51 PM: Olija is coming out this fall on Switch and PC. However, there is a playable demo out today on Steam.]

Here’s more gameplay from Serious Sam 4. It will be on Steam and Stadia in August with PlayStation 4 and Xbox One releases scheduled for 2021.

Devolverland Expo, a first-person “marketing simulator,” is now available for free on Steam. Look like a playable commercial for upcoming games with Devolver Digital’s usual flair for the absurd. I hope Nina is there.

Well, we did it. We made it through another Devolver Digital presentation. Go hug your family. Be well.