Boy are we glad to be back from Las Vegas, where nightly off-topic conversational posts can happen without interference. Care to celebrate with some underwater alcoholism? Or maybe just some good clean commenting fun?
Some of us are still recovering from CES indulgences, which were highly caloric. My cleanse, you might call it, will be playing some Demon's Souls and LittleBigPlanet 2, while ingesting very little meat. I think I ate an entire steer while in Vegas. Never again! Or until next year!
How was your weekend? Regale us with tales of your days off or comment on any of these interesting items, mkay?
- Short documentary piece on The Sartorialist - A look at the man behind great street fashion photography.
- OK Cupid on the "mathematics of beauty" - Another fascinating breakdown of OK Cupid data.
- Concept art from the never made Gotham High cartoon - Batman high school hijinks? Nothankyou.jpg
- Oldboy director shot his newest film on an iPhone - He's also probably pissed that YouTube uploads suck on the thing.
- Ghostbusters 3 script is in Bill Murray's hands - So says Ivan Reitman. I don't think I can take much more of this.