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EndWar Private Beta Invites Going Out

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According to several Kotakuites who decidedly broke the NDA by sending in tips, the invites for the private beta test of Tom Clancy's EndWar are now going out to those lucky enough to secure a spot. Here is a sample of the acceptance letter, with names changed to protect the guilty.

Hello, NDA Ignoring Bastard

We're pleased to inform you that you have been selected to participate in the Tom Clancy's EndWar Private Beta.

You now have access to the full EndWar Beta website at and can begin posting on the forums.

Your username is: NDABREAKER2008

Don't forget to check out the "how to play" section for helpful information on getting started. The EndWar Beta will be ready for you soon and once it's available for download we'll be sure to let you know.

I am going to start using NDABreaker2008 as my handle every time I sign up for a beta test, just to see if anyone ever lets me in. Congrats to those who got in! We promise not to say anything to Ubisoft unless they offer us candy. Hit the jump for exciting screens from the beta instructions!