With tiresome predictability, action RPG Elden Ring’s first and only DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree, is already being spoiled online, four days ahead of its release. This warning comes from no smaller a source than its own developers, FromSoftware. (There are no spoilers at all in this post.)
In a statement posted to the official Elden Ring X (formerly Twitter) feed, the team warns players to be “mindful” in the week running up to the expansion’s release. And it’s done in the most gentle, non-accusatory way imaginable.
“Please be mindful of spoilers,” says the tweeted JPEG, “for those who want to tread into the Realm of Shadows with nothing but their determination and their minds unclouded.”
Pre-order Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree: Amazon | Best Buy | Humble Bundle
The subtext of course being, “Please don’t be a dick and spread the leaks.” Because of course some who’ve somehow got their hands on early copies have done exactly this.
Read More: Here’s What I Think Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree DLC Is About
One such leak on Reddit involved someone saying their friend had a review build, and posting alleged videos of boss fights, then angrily refuting those who claim it to be fake. (Given FromSoft has acknowledged there are leaks, it would suggest there’s some validity to the claims.) After a certain amount of goading, the anon account uploaded a better quality, much longer video of what they purport to be the final boss fight. Although adds, “My friend sux so I have no idea. He told me this was the final boss, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he missed something.”
Elsewhere the same account has posted three-minute videos of significant fights with named characters in the subject lines, thus removing surprises even for those who don’t click past the spoiler warnings on the clips. (I don’t know a thing about Elden Ring, and so don’t mind at all that I’ve seen this stuff, if you were worrying. It might as well be in Klingon.)
So, be warned. A lot more of this will start to appear as Friday approaches, so if you’re looking to truly protect yourself, just set up a VPN that blocks all web traffic but for Kotaku. We promise we won’t ruin a thing.