Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree expansion brings so much new content to the game that it nearly feels like a sequel. But it also reimagines a handful of ideas from the base game to maintain a sense of familiarity. One of these features is the ability to duplicate the Remembrances you earn from defeating bosses in the DLC—but this time you won’t be taking down massive turtle-like mausoleums to duplicate them.
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In Shadow of the Erdtree, you’ll need to find three unique coffins in the overworld to make copies of your Remembrances. And yes, that’s correct: You can only duplicate three Remembrances in the expansion. Once you’ve exhausted the seven base game mausoleums and the three DLC coffins, you’ll have to start a NG+ cycle to gain further duplication opportunities.
Since each Remembrance normally only offers a tough choice between two boss-specific rewards, carefully consider which Remembrances provide you with the right weapons or spells to complement your build before duplicating them. When you’ve made your decision, take the two identical Remembrances to Finger Reader Enia in Roundtable Hold to exchange them for both boss rewards.
Shadow of the Erdtree duplication coffin locations
Scadu Altus Coffin: Cathedral of Manus Metyr

The first Remembrance duplication coffin is located in Scadu Altus at the Cathedral of Manus Metyr. From the Cathedral of Manus Metyr Site of Grace, simply walk outside and check the water-filled behind the cathedral. You’ll find the coffin in plain view here.
Southern Shore Coffin: Finger Ruins of Rhia

The second Remembrance duplication coffin is found in the Finger Ruins of Rhia. From the Finger Ruins of Rhia Site of Grace, head forward into the ruins while hugging the right wall and fending off any terrifying Fingercreeper enemies that get in your way Eventually, a path will open along this cliffside that will lead up a bit. At the end of this area is the coffin.
Scaduview Coffin: Finger Ruins of Dheo

You’ll find the third Remembrance duplication coffin in the Finger Ruins of Dheo. From the Fingerstone Hill Site of Grace, descend into the ruins for a while until you can safely proceed north — some of the drops here can be deadly, so take your time. Eventually, you’ll find a path that will lead northwest. When you reach the northern cliff edge and can’t go any further, scan the area to find the coffin near some Fingercreeper enemies.
Hopefully, you’ve chosen wisely and feel confident with your Remembrance duplication choices. If not, here’s to a safe and fun NG+ run!