Like many companies, Electronic Arts is having a rough time. Earlier this month, EA exec John Riccitiello called the lower than expected earnings "a clear disappointment," announcing additional, extended layoffs.
The impact of the cratering global economy on the game industry is not a bad thing necessarily says Riccitiello. It is a "blessing." Hard times means we'll see less "junk" on the store shelves.
"A lot of the riff-raff is going to go bankrupt," he said. "Our company was too big for the current economic environment," he also stated, "and it was probably slowing us down."
He also went on to talk how sequels can be innovative, the viability of PC gaming and outsourcing. More in the links below.
DICE 09: Electronic Arts' Tactics For Tough Times [Gamasutra]
EA CEO: Recession Is a 'Blessing' For Game Biz [Game|Life]
Live Blog: DICE 2009 - John Riccitiello, Electronic Arts [G4tv] [Pic]