And so it ends. Goodbye, E3 2008! You were fun in parts, confusing in others and disappointing in many. Actually, disappointing in most . Few important announcements, almost zero new game announcements and a pair of very missable keynote addresses will see this go down as one of the "worst" E3s in memory. Maybe it needs to move, maybe it needs to go altogether, who knows. It needs to do something. But enough navel-gazing! For all the doom and gloom plenty of stuff still happened on the last day of the show, stuff you can catch up on by hitting up the links below.
Things I Learned About LittleBigPlanet
SCE Exec: PSP and PSN Are Jump Off Points for Inexperienced Developers
Killzone 2 Online Multiplayer: 'Fast Action! Lots of Explosions!'
Join Us For a Look at The Who's Private Rock Band Concert
Wii Sports Resort Will Sell Like Hotcakes, Hands-on Impressions
Resident Evil 5: Killing Zombies WIth My Best Girl
Yep! Next KOTOR Is MMO
Jizz Mopping Through The Dildo Wonderland
Sonic Unleashed: Half Classic, Half Stretchy Werewolf
Join Us For a Look at The Who's Private Rock Band Concert
Fist Pumping Through Major Minor's Majestic March