Ever conscious of educating today's youth, Nintendo has been providing DS systems to an all-girls school in Tokyo. The AP got their reporter into one classroom full of "giggly" seventh-graders to determine if any learning was going on.
In the process, the AP determined the favorite game of one 12-year-old:
Like many other Japanese youngsters, she has the DS at home and plays DS games like "Mario Kart" and "Animal Crossing." But she insisted her favorite was her English class software
It was only a couple of years ago that I went to a high school in Chicago to watch students try to learn from Civilization III. Putting each student at a desktop computer seemed to make communication hard. I wonder if the DS is any better a replacement for a textbook.
Curious detail about this story #1: Nintendo is providing 40 DSes to a classroom of 32.
Curious detail about this story #2: English Training for best game?
Nintendo DS Teaches English In School [AP via NPR, OK?] [English Training DS Pic]