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Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero's Special Finishers Are A Cool, But Untapped Mechanic

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero's Special Finishers Are A Cool, But Untapped Mechanic

Here’s how to do every finisher, and complete the A Flair for Fighting achievement

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Goku reaches out with his arm outstretched, gritting his teeth
Screenshot: Bandai Namco / Kotaku

Whether it’s through character interactions or their movesets, Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero makes sure to throw in small nods to the planet-shaking franchise wherever it can. Some of these fun references are hard to find, with one of the most obscure being Special Finishers. These are unique match-enders that call back to specific franchise moments or character personalities.


Finding these naturally is pretty unlikely. Across this gigantic roster, pieced together from 40 years of media, only three characters can trigger a Special Finisher. The only mention of these can be found by scrolling through Whis’ Stamp Book, but it can be a pain to go back and forth if you don’t remember them. Aside from the rewards you earn from watching them, one of the rarest achievements is tied to them. This guide will go over each one and explain the quickest way to unlock the associated achievement.

How to Perform a Special Finisher

If one of the three characters—Super Saiyan Goku, Master Roshi, or Super Saiyan 3 Goku—manages to end a match with their Ultimate Blast, a special finisher animation will play. That means you’ll need to charge up your Ki enough to enter the Sparking! State and gain access to your Ultimate Blast technique.

There are no other requirements, such as using them against a particular character or on a certain stage. However, it is still best practice to attempt these only when your opponent is low on health. If the technique doesn’t defeat them, the ultimate plays out just like normal, and the match will continue.

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Super Saiyan Goku’s Finisher

Super Saiyan Goku’s Finisher

Goku looks down with a remorseful face.
Screenshot: Bandai Namco / Kotaku

The first finisher to see is Goku (Z - Mid) Super Saiyan’s Angry Kamehameha. This ultimate is a beam finisher, so it’s great to use after launching the opponent from a Vanishing Attack or an Impact Action. It also has a great chance of landing when up close, due to how fast it comes out.


If done correctly, once the ultimate finishes it will cut back to Goku with his hand outstretched, before zooming onto his regretful face. This is a callback to the original manga, right after Goku seemingly kills Frieza during their battle on Namek. Those who only watched the anime might not be familiar, since they gave him more of an angry face in the adaptation.

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Master Roshi’s Finisher

Master Roshi’s Finisher

Master Roshi celebrates his victory with double peace signs.
Screenshot: Bandai Namco / Kotaku

Next up is Master Roshi’s Evil Containment Wave. This one is considered a short-range energy attack, which can make it a bit trickier to land. Using it after smashing an opponent down into the ground, or when they’re midway through an animation, are two of the best methods if you’re close enough. I’d also recommend being extra-careful using this when you’re low on health since it normally deals self-inflicted damage to Roshi too.


Landing it when the opponent is weak enough will change the animation to Roshi properly performing the technique and trapping the target in a small jar. He even drops a life, referencing The Genie from Disney’s Aladdin, which is simultaneously weird and amazing. The Finisher animation concludes with him quickly celebrating and posing with double peace signs, as he has done before.

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Super Saiyan 3 Goku’s Finisher

Super Saiyan 3 Goku’s Finisher

Super Saiyan 3 Goku majestically poses with his right arm raised into the air.
Screenshot: Bandai Namco / Kotaku

Last on the list is Goku (Z - End) Super Saiyan 3’s Dragon Fist. This one is a rush super, which can sometimes be difficult to connect with. I highly recommend using it after launching an opponent so you can avoid the embarrassing and costly mistake of missing and flying halfway across a stage.


Read More: Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero’s Rush Supers Can Be A Super-Rush Once Mastered

Finishing a match with this will add a couple of shots of Goku posing with his arm raised. It arguably looks a little awkward, but it’s a reference to the movie Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon, when Goku uses this move to kill Hirudegarn. I’ll also mention that performing this Ultimate Blast against Hirudegarn does have an additional animation referencing the movie. That will trigger no matter how much health the big guy has, although it does feel like a more complete experience to see it alongside the Special Finisher.

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How to Unlock A Flair for Fighting Achievement

How to Unlock A Flair for Fighting Achievement

A match starts between Super Saiyan 3 Goku and Mr. Satan
Screenshot: Bandai Namco / Kotaku

A Flair for Fighting is currently one of the rarest achievements to earn in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero. Not only are there only three characters among the 180+ roster that can perform a finisher, but you’ll need to view 20 special finishers to unlock the achievement.


Yup, this achievement is asking you to just watch the same few finishers over and over again. Never fear, we’ve got you covered with how to knock this out quickly.

Trying to earn this naturally against another player would take much longer than necessary, so it’s better to fight against the CPU. Here’s the setup to go with to finish this as fast as possible:

  • Select an Offline Battle vs the CPU.
  • Scroll to Rules from the Stage Select Screen and set the CPU to Weak.
  • Choose Super Saiyan 3 Goku for yourself.
  • Equip Ability Items that increase your Skill Count and Ki Gauges, such as Secret Measures and Rising Fighting Spirit.
  • Choose Mr. Satan for the CPU.
  • Once you’re in battle, charge into Sparking! Mode.
  • Hit him a few times and then use your Dragon Fist Ultimate Blast.
  • Watch the Finisher Cinematic play out, and then hit Retry to do it again.

Super Saiyan 3 Goku is the strongest choice for this. He’ll be able to dish out more damage more quickly than the others. Pair him against Mr. Satan, the weakest character on the entire roster, and you’ll be able to close out these matches in less than a minute. Keep on repeating this cycle, and the achievement will soon be yours.

Special Finishers are a fun addition for players to occasionally see in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero. The only problem is that there aren’t enough of them! Whether it’s climactic movie moments, or reusing some animations from Jiren’s endings, there are countless moments that every fan would love to end their matches with. Here’s hoping more are added in further updates.

