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Does Saints Row IV Work As A First-Person Shooter? Hell Yes.

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They did a first-person mod for GTA IV, so it was bound to happen for Saints Row IV, too. And thank goodness it did.

The mod is being developed by a group of modders led by ImmortalSin, who hails from the Saints Row Mods forum. It is currently in alpha—a fact that's readily apparent in this player-recorded gameplay video.

Janky or not, there's first-person super jumps. First. Person. Super jumps. And from here on, it can only get better. How awesome is that? If you've got a PC copy of the game, you can get a taste of the action in the mod's forum thread, right here.


Saints Row 4 First Person View *ALPHA STAGE* [Saints Row Mods, via DSOGaming]

Saints Row 4 Mods: First Person View [Holy Cowlick@YouTube, also via DSOGaming]

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