It's been a bit more than a week since we kicked off our contest to give away Legendary Edition copies of Halo: Reach to three lucky commenters. It's time to pick the winners.
First, though a very special thank you to all of our comment moderators who spent vast chunks of their time over the past week helping to approve the tidal wave of new commenters that dropped in for a chance to win one of the games. Also, of course, to all of the writers and editors here, who did their best to help out with approvals.
And don't worry if we some how didn't approve your comment in that post, we selected from all of the names that commented in the thread, approved or not.
We made our selection through an arcane, almost mystical combination of hats, folded bits of papers, strings of numbers and my fervent desire for new interns. So very random.
And here, at long last, are your three winners:
Kamil Acero
If you are one of the lucky three, please email me at editor [ a t] by Monday from the account you used to sign up with Kotaku. Make sure to include your full real name, phone number and mailing address. Do keep in mind that if these three don't email me at editor [a t ] by Monday we're going to select replacements from this list.
Congratulations to the winners and a heartfelt apology to those who didn't win. But some good news. As I mentioned in the contest kick-off post, this is just the first of a month of giveaways.
What's next?
We're going to be starting up a contest on Monday to give away a fancy Left 4 Dead 2-themed, laser-etched HD Zune Original. It's pretty sweet.