Anecdotal evidence at best, but a mountain of Love Plus items apparently didn't exactly move like hotcakes at Comiket.
The Comiket goods Konami is offering cost around US$67 for each set. There are three different sets, one for each Love Plus character.
Developed by Konami, Love Plus is a love simulation game for the Nintendo DS.
Online, there are some people reporting that the Love Plus Christmas event was a bit of a bust, while others blame Konami for going on a merchandising and sequel tear, driving the franchise into the ground. It also might be that fickle fans have simply moved on.
Love Plus is planned for the Nintendo 3DS, and it will feature "boyfriend lock" face recognition software to prevent cheating.
コナミブース「ラブプラス」グッズが売れないので急遽「俺妹」に変更!? [オレ的ゲーム情報]