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Development of a Great App: Angry Birds

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How often do you find yourself cruising through the apps on your smartphone and wondering: How did they do that? Welcome to the Great Apps series, inspired by the Intel AppUpSM developer program. We give you, Angry Birds, the universally-loved game featuring cute bird bombs, evil pigs, and tumbling bricks.

Let's take a look at the history and development of AB, and why it's so damn appealing (and so damn addictive).

In 2009, Finnish development company Rovio came up with an idea for a puzzle/catapult game featuring fat, legless birds used as weapons of mass destruction. The story of the game involves a flock of birds that are attempting to retrieve eggs that have been stolen by a group of evil pigs—with a plot like that, no wonder it's sold over 6.5 million copies.


Mikael Hed, Rovio CEO described the development of the game to Gamepro:

"Angry Birds definitely has a mixture of games in it. The most important part inspiration-wise for us were the characters...I remember coming back from my summer holidays and thinking that this is really not where I want the game to be. We went back to the original screenshot and asked ourselves where is the spark?"


Obviously, they were able to find it, as 2 months after releasing in the UK and America, it was the number one-selling game on iTunes.

Hed continued:

"It has to be easy to pick up and play but hard to master. The "easy to learn" part was really important to us. When you see one screenshot of the game you know what you have to do. Angry Birds is simple, but it still has depth. It has to be so much fun that players want to return to the game over and over again. Angry Birds achieved precisely that."


The world agreed. Angry Birds garnered almost universally positive reviews. Chris Holt of Macworld called the game "an addictive, clever, and challenging puzzler," and Pocket Gamer's Keith Andrew said Angry Birds is "a nugget of puzzling purity dished out with relish aplenty." Jonathan Liu of Wired News noted that "going for the maximum number of stars certainly adds a lot of replay value to a fairly extensive game." The game was nominated for the "Best Casual Game" award at the 6th annual International Mobile Gaming Awards in February 2010.

We know after all this reading about Angry Birds that you want to play, so get to it.


The Great Apps Series is inspired by Intel. Have you developed the next Great App? Join the Intel AppUpSM developer program and you could get up to $25,000 in funding so you can develop and distribute your app to multiple app stores powered by Intel AppUp! Click here to sign up and submit now.