It’s that time of year again where every Destiny sicko tries to convince their friends to hop back into the cosmic grind for epic space loot. Fortunately, Bungie’s nerfing the difficulty this time around by making most of the past expansions free for everyone to experience up until The Final Shape launches in June.
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, and The Witch Queen are free from now until June 4 on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC. Last year’s Lightfall expansion will be free for paid PS Plus subscribers on PS5, and discounted to $30 for the campaign and annual season pass on the other platforms. Even if players don’t buy the expansion, they can still catch up on all of the seasonal story missions and activities from the last year for free as well.
Of course, no one actually needs to play all of that content to catch up in time for The Final Shape. Destiny 2's base Red War campaign is still gone, as is the bulk of the Foraken expansion. Bungie has already brought all players up to the current power cap too, so there’s no real use in grinding in preparation for next month either. If you want to have any idea what’s going on in Destiny 2's story, you’re better of consulting one of the many YouTube lore primers out there than playing the game itself.
Still, Into the Light went live last month, a fun new horde mode activity that showers players in loot and brings back plenty of excellent weapons from Destiny 2's past, including “shiny” limited-edition versions that are worth grinding for. The Witch Queen is also the best campaign Destiny’s ever had purely from a shooter mission design perspective, though the writing, presentation, and pacing are excellent as well.
So if you’re a Destiny fan who’s been incessantly spamming their group chat with calls to suit up and join the Vanguard, here’s a great new way to sweeten the deal. And if your the friend or family member of one of those loot-brained Destiny fanatics, then maybe consider trading away a few weekends of your life to run dozens of missions and four raids with them. They’ve been annoying you to play this dumb game with them for 10 years now. It’s the least you can do.