Greene's Hardware in Seattle has a special on katanas this weekend - two for $309.99. You can also find values on dynamite and mayonnaise. What the hell is this? A pretty awesome Dead Rising 2 community event at PAX.
Capcom's apparently booked some space in Seattle's central business district, just walking distance from the Washington State Convention Center, and is doing up the joint like a giant hardware store on Friday. If you're at PAX, stop by for "blockbuster sales of your favorite combo weapons and accessories."
I am not sure what that means exactly IRL, but if Capcom is seriously selling shotguns, wheelchairs and grenades, it just officially became the Most Fun Company in America.
The "sale" runs from 8 to midnight on Friday; the location is 909 Western Ave., Seattle. The first 50 "customers" will get a freebie. Check the circular for more details.