Today, Bandai Namco has revealed the full roster for the next entry in the Budokai Tenkaichi series, Sparking Zero. And folks, there are a lot of characters in this game. A lot! There’s at least a 19 Gokus running around this arena fighter.
On Thursday, a load of Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero previews hit the web ahead of the game’s October 11 launch on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and S, and PC via Steam. Overall, this game—which is still Budokai Tenkaichi 4 to me—sounds great and is the big, over-the-top Dragon Ball fighting game I’ve been wanting for years.
Pre-order Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO: Amazon | Best Buy | Humble Bundle
And thanks to the game including characters from basically every movie and TV show in the franchise, Sparking Zero has a massive roster of 182 playable characters. This big roster will only grow via future DLC, though I’m not even sure who is left to add to the game.
Anyway, here’s the full list in (mostly) alphabetical order:
- Android 13
- Android 16
- Android 17 (DB Super)
- Android 17 (DBZ)
- Android 18
- Android 19
- Anilaza
- Babidi
- Baby Vegeta (GT)
- Bardock
- Beerus
- Bergamo
- Bojack
- Broly (DB Super)
- Broly - Super Saiyan (DB Super)
- Broly - Super Saiyan Full Power (DB Super)
- Broly (Z)
- Broly - Legendary Super Saiyan (DBZ)
- Broly - Super Saiyan (DBZ)
- Burter
- Cabba
- Cabba - Super Saiyan
- Cabba - Super Saiyan 2
- Caulifla
- Caulifla - Super Saiyan 2
- Cell - 1st Form
- Cell - 2nd Form
- Cell - Perfect Form
- Perfect Cell
- Cell Jr.
- Chiaotzu
- Cooler
- Cooler - Final Form
- Cui
- Dabura
- Dodoria
- Dr. Gero
- Dr. Wheelo
- Dyspo
- Frieza (DB Super)
- Frieza - 1st Form (DBZ)
- Frieza - 2nd Form (DBZ)
- Frieza - 3rd Form (DBZ)
- Frieza - 4th Form (DBZ)
- Frieza - Full Power (DBZ)
- Frieza Force Soldier
- Frost
- Bojack - Full Power
- Fused Zamasu
- Fused Zamasu - Half-Corrupted
- Fusion Android 13
- Future Trunks
- Future Trunks - Super Saiyan
- Ginyu
- Godu - Ultra Instinct (DB Super)
- Gogeta (DB Super)
- Gogeta - Super Saiyan (DB Super)
- Gogeta - Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (DB Super)
- Gogeta - Super Saiyan 4 (GT)
- Gohan (Adult)
- Gohan - Super Saiyan (Adult)
- Gohan - Super Saiyan 2 (Adult)
- Gohan (Future)
- Gohan - Super Saiyan (Future)
- Gohan (Kid)
- Gohan (Teen)
- Gohan - Super Saiyan (Teen)
- Gohan - Super Saiyan 2 (Teen)
- Goku (GT)
- Goku - Super Saiyan (GT)
- Goku - Super Saiyan 3 (GT)
- Goku - Super Saiyan 4 (GT)
- Goku (DB Super)
- Goku - Super Saiyan (DB Super)
- Goku - Super Saiyan God (DB Super)
- Goku - Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (DB Super)
- Goku - Ultra Instinct (DB Super)
- Goku (Teen)
- Goku - (DBZ-Early)
- Goku - (DBZ-End)
- Goku - Super Saiyan (DBZ-End)
- Goku - Super Saiyan 2 (DBZ-End)
- Goku - Super Saiyan 3 (DBZ-End)
- Goku (DBZ-Mid)
- Goku - Super Saiyan (DBZ-Mid)
- Goku Black
- Goku Black - Super Saiyan Rose
- Goku - Mini (Pre-order bonus)
- Golden Frieza
- Goten
- Goten - Super Saiyan
- Gotenks
- Gotenks - Super Saiyan
- Gotenks - Super Saiyan 3
- Great Ape - Baby (GT)
- Great Ape -Vegeta
- Great Saiyaman
- Guldo
- Hirudegarn
- Hit
- Janemba
- Jeice
- Jiren
- Jiren - Full Power
- Kakunsa
- Kale
- Kale - Super Saiyan
- Kale - Super Saiyan (Beserker)
- Kefla
- Kefla - Super Saiyan
- Kefla - Super Saiyan 2
- King Cold
- Krillin
- Lod Slug
- Lord Slug - Giant Form
- Kid Buu
- Majin Buu
- Majin Buu (Evil)
- Majin Vegeta
- Majuub (GT)
- Master Roshi
- Master Roshi - Max Power
- Mecha Frieza
- Metal Cooler
- Mr. Satan
- Nail
- Nappa
- Omega Shenron (GT)
- Pan (GT)
- Piccolo
- Piccolo (Fused With Kami)
- Raditz
- Recoome
- Ribrianne
- Roasie
- Saibaman
- Spopovich
- Super Baby 1 (GT)
- Super Baby 2 (GT)
- Super Buu
- Super Buu (Gohan Absorbed)
- Super Buu (Gotenks Absorbed)
- Super Garlic Jr.
- Super Gogeta (Z)
- Super Janemba
- Super Siayan
- Super Trunks
- Super Vegeta
- Super Vegito
- Super Zarbon
- Syn Shenron
- Tapion
- Tien
- Toppo
- Toppo, God of Destruction
- Trunks (Kid)
- Trunks - Super Saiyan (Kid)
- Trunks
- Trunks w/Sword
- Trunks Super Saiyan w/Sword
- Turles
- Ultimate Gohan
- Uub (GT)
- Vegeta (DB Super)
- Vegeta - Super Saiyan (DB Super)
- Vegeta - Super Saiyan God (DB Super)
- Vegeta - Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (DB Super)
- Vegeta (DBZ-Early)
- Vegeta - Super Saiyan (DBZ-Early)
- Vegeta (DBZ-End)
- Vegeta - Super Saiyan (DBZ-End)
- Vegeta - Super Saiyan 2 (DBZ-End)
- Vegeta (DBZ-Scouter)
- Vegeta - Super Saiyan 4 (GT)
- Vegito
- Vegito - Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan
- Videl
- Whis
- Yajirobe
- Yamcha
- Zamasu
- Zarbon