Cyberpunk 2077's massive 2.0 update introduced a bunch of additions and changes to the open-world first-person shooter RPG. Alongside new combat enhancements and a revamped police system that makes cops far more aggressive when hunting you down for committing crimes, the latest patch also completely overhauls cyberware and perks. It almost feels like an entirely new game that just so happens to include some new Easter eggs for the fantastic—and heartbreaking—Edgerunners anime. Prepare to cry, y’all, this one’s a doozy. Oh, and be warned: There are some Edgerunners spoilers down below.
Read More: Cyberpunk 2077’s 2.0 Update Feels Like A Different Game
Produced by Studio Trigger (Kill la Kill), Edgerunners takes place about a year before the events of Cyberpunk 2077. Following a punky David “Dee” Martinez, the 10 episode anime shows Dee devolve from an ambitious kid to a cold mercenary. He makes friends with a group of other talented hired guns, but like most stories in the Cyberpunk universe, the troupe’s journey ends in brutal tragedy. By the time the credits roll, only one person of the main crew is alive. And now, thanks to the 2.0 update, we can wallow in that sorrow once more.
As spotted by Redditor FirmAd6452 (via GamesRadar), Cyberpunk 2077 features murals for all the important folks in Dee’s life. Dee’s there, of course, but so is his mom Gloria, tech specialist Pilar, merc bruiser Dorio, and Edgerunners gang leader Maine—all of whom died throughout the anime’s narrative. The last mural is dedicated to best girl—and fan fave—Rebecca, who was crushed to death by the cyberjerk Adam Smasher in the final episode. The traitor Kiwi, who conspired with the anime’s antagonist to catch a member of the crew, has a mural as well, but we don’t talk about her around here.
Each of these holographic tributes is located in the Westbrook District’s North Oak Columbarium, a series of structures that holds the ashes of Night City residents. Under the murals are lines of text seemingly written from the perspective of Lucy, Dee’s girlfriend and the sole survivor of Edgerunners. Dee’s tribute, for instance, reads, “You didn’t take me to the moon, but you were there with me,” referencing the second episode in which the couple venture to the moon together. Meanwhile, Rebecca’s posits, “I regret not finishing our conversation,” calling attention to the final episode which sees Adam Smasher violently interrupting the moment the two ladies were having. I’m not crying, you’re crying. Again, there’s a line for Kiwi, too, but, traitors never prosper.
Read More: Cyberpunk 2077 - Phantom Liberty: The Kotaku Review
I wasn’t prepared to think about Edgerunners again, especially with how fucked up things ended. This new Easter egg isn’t even the only one that references the anime. There are skills within the retweaked perk trees named after the characters, and Dee’s iconic yellow jacket if you want V to cosplay as him. So, although CD Projekt Red has no plans for a sequel to the anime, at least these characters will live on in Cyberpunk 2077. It’s a terrible day for rain…