Having created PC cases based on Fallout and PUBG, hardware maker NZXT teams up with Blizzard for the latest limited edition enclosures in its CRFT series. The $200 World of Warcraft H510 is a gorgeous crimson beast of a PC case. It also comes in blue.
NZXT’s H510 is one of my favorite PC enclosures, with a large and lovely tempered glass window on its left side, easy water cooler installation, and a clever wire management solution I could almost be bothered to use. I particularly enjoy the the metal bits under the glass that hide the power supply and drives. No one needs to see those.

Limited to 1,000 pieces each, the Horde and Alliance versions of the H510 are covered with faction appropriate decorations. The right side panels sport massive faction symbols, while the front panel symbols are backlit by LEDs. The printed details on all sides of the cases are exquisite.

I would be first in line for one of these Horde cases if the idea of swapping out the bits from my perfectly functional PC into another case didn’t give me heart palpitations. That and I switch factions so often I’ll probably be Alliance again by the time this article goes live.