Now that Overwatch players have stopped complaining about how overpowered the hero Brigitte is, perhaps we can all guiltlessly enjoy some fantastic Brigitte cosplay.
On Saturday, Melbourne, Australia-based cosplayer AltF4Cosplay posted her completed shield from Brigitte’s “Shieldmaiden” skin. Here’s what the shield looks like in-game:
And here is AltF4Cosplay’s brilliant shield. It even lights up:
Reached over Facebook messenger, AltF4Cosplay told Kotaku that the shield’s body is made of Acrylic plastic and its hexagon pattern was laser-etched. “I then removed a small circle in the center, behind where the armor would be, for the lights and power pack. The lighting system is an Arduino (a mini computer) and a rechargeable mobile phone battery pack, programmed to have the lights turn in and off in a circular pattern,” she said.
“A simple leather strap and metal handle was drilled into shield under the armor pieces to be able to carry it,” she said. “It was the funnest build I’ve ever done!”