Sometimes cosplay is a good thing. Sometimes it's a bad thing — especially when it gets you arrested. That's "Jay", and he was cosplaying as special commando HUNK from Capcom's Resident Evil franchise.
Great costume! So great that the local authorities were altered when the gun-brandishing masked-HUNK walked into a store. A dozen police cars pulled up to the scene, guns drawn.
Thing is, the cops didn't know Jay was part of a "zombie crawl" for a horror convention next week in Seattle.
"It's definitely understanding — they (police) weren't aware of the event going on," Jay said. "They just had to check me out (and they) let me go pretty quick once they saw what I was here for."
Jay won top prize in the zombie crawl, snagging a VIP pass to next week's Crypticon convention.
Zombie outfit lands man in handcuffs [Komo News Thanks, foolio1!]