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Conn. Pol Caught Playing Video Game in Session

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A Connecticut Democrat apologized profusely to his district's constituents after he was photographed playing computer solitaire inside stately Wayne Manor the statehouse (pictured) while the state House Republican leader addressed the chamber on the budget.

"It was certainly bad judgment for me to play a computer game even for just a few minutes during the final House session on the budget," Rep. Jack Hennessey, of Bridgeport, wrote. "I am embarrassed, and I apologize to each and every person in the North End and to people across the state."

The Associated Press photo, taken Aug. 31, caused a category three foofaraw because, naturally, few things convey such disrespect as to play goddamn Solitaire when the opposition's talking about the budget. Hennessey could have at least played Bejeweled or Peggle or something. Not only that, he's playing the unwinnable Canfield. His colleague to the left, Rep. Barbara Lambert, was absorbed in either Freecell, Forty Thieves or Montana. Hard to tell. Guy back and to the right is reading about Andy Pettite on What in the hell is the matter with you people!

Rep. Larry Cafero, the dissed House Minority Leader in question, faced off with the state House Speaker on a local public affairs program. "This has made international news because it captures the frustration of the public. While Rome is burning, they're playing solitaire.''


Yes. How dare someone fool around with games, the Internet, whatever, during a super important speech.

Rep. Jack Hennessy Apologizes For Playing Solitaire at State Capitol During Late-Night Budget Debate [Hartford Courant via GamePolitics]