Looking for a way to earn more Mastery Stars in ChefVille without cooking some of the more difficult dishes? You can now earn stars via the brand new Sandwich Station that Bello has delivered to your restaurant for free. This comes via a three-part quest series called "Sandwich Situation," which sees you building the Sandwich Station and, of course, cooking dishes available within.
The Tower of Bello
• Place and Finish the Sandwich Station
• Serve 5 Bello's Huge Hoagies
• Cook 1 Roast Beef Sandwich
The Sandwich Station is a full-sized appliance that requires three energy to "unwrap." From there, you'll need to collect a variety of building materials to finish it off. You'll need to collect seven Spreadable Secrets via general news posts on your wall, while another seven Sandwich Suggestions must be earned by sending out individual requests to friends.
While you're waiting for those ingredients to arrive, you can cook the Roast Beef Sandwich on the Broiler using two Garlic Toast, five Sirloin Beef and four Salts. This dish takes 16 hours to prepare, but thankfully, you just need to "cook" it for this quest, and not actually serve it.
Finally, the Bello's Huge Hoagie recipe is available after you've finished the Sandwich Station. It requires three Wheat Bread, two Sirloin Beef and three Wild Mushrooms to cook, and takes just one minute to finish. When you complete this quest, you'll receive three Mayonnaise, 50 coins, and will unlock a new dish: the Chicken Salad Sandwich.
Moving On Up!
• Serve 5 Chicken Salad Sandwiches
• Give Chef's Service with 10 Turkey Paninis
• Ask for 8 Frilly Toothpicks
The Frilly Toothpicks are earned by posting a general request for the items to your news feed. Remember to check out our general link for sorting your news feed to only ChefVille posts to help you make progress faster. As for the cooking tasks, the Turkey Panini sandwich can be cooked in just five minutes using two Wheat Bread, four Turkeys and two Mixed Greens each. If you're like many players, you likely have a ton of Turkeys in storage, so cooking a few of these should be no problem. As for the Chicken Salad Sandwich, this takes a bit longer to cook (at five minutes), and requires four Chicken, two Wheat Bread, and three Mayonnaise to prepare. Luckily, if you've built your Mayonnaise Dispenser, you'll have a permanent way to earn more Mayonnaise, making this quest easier to complete in the long run. This quest series will continue to expand in the future, as we learn more about what makes these quests tick.
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Brandy Shaul is an editor at Games.com