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ChefVille 'Bello's Burger' Quests: Everything You Need to Know

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Every ChefVille player knows to cook a few kinds of Hamburgers on their Grill. But a brand new Burger Station will turn your restaurant into a real "Burger Joint," and Bello is here with a pair of quests that introduce his new appliance. Even with just two quests, you still might have a bit of trouble finishing them in their five-day time limit. Don't fear. We're here with a guide to make sure you do just that.

It's Burger Time!
• Place and Build the Burger Station
• Cook Grilled Steak Burgers 3 Times
• Give Chef Services with Grilled Steak Burgers 4 Times

The Burger Station is placed via the quest window, and it takes three clicks to unwrap. From there, you'll need to collect a wide variety of building materials. Four Grill Scrapers and Burger Turners are earned by sending out individual requests to your neighbors, while three Temperature Picks, Burger Basics, and Flip Fundamentals are earned by posting general requests to your news feed.


When the Burger Station is complete, you can cook the Grilled Steak Burgers using two Wheat Bread, two Sirloin Beef and one Pepper. When you first complete the station, this is the only dish you'll have available, but thankfully, it only takes a minute to cook. This should allow you to finish this first quest quickly, and when you do, you'll receive two Marinated Beef, 10 XP and two Paprika.


Proof is in the Patty
• Ask for 8 Disposable Gloves
• Craft Beef Patty 2 Times
• Serve Garden Burger 3 Times


The Disposable Gloves are earned by posting a general news item on your wall. While you're waiting for those to arrive, you can work on creating the Beef Patties, which are made inside the Patty Station. However, even if you make it to this quest, the Patty Station still may not be available for you in the store, so you'll be stuck waiting for it to roll around to your game.

You still won't have access to the Garden Burger either, until you complete the Burger Bun Station, which is available to purchase in the store for 1,000 coins. When you complete the Burger Station, you'll be able to cook the Garden Burger using two Burger Buns, three Veggie Patties, and four Romaine Lettuce. We'll make sure to update this space with a guide to the Patty Station as soon as it becomes available. In the meantime, start asking your friends for those Disposable Gloves, so you can finish this quest as soon as the Patty Station rolls out.


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What do you think of this new Burger Station? Have you already been able to build yours in ChefVille, or are you still waiting for parts to arrive from friends? Sound off in the comments!


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Brandy Shaul is an editor at

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