Take a look at Reus. It's a 2D god game where you control different types of giants and, naturally, dictate the lives of puny humans. The developers walk you through some of the basic gameplay in the footage above.
Interesting to think you can't make things too good for the humans, because then they ask for more than you can give. But, there are ways to solve that—hilarious ways, according to the development blog.
So what do you do when the greedy civilization starts to destroy the adorable balanced civilization, and you have all the powers of nature? THAT'S RIGHT, YOU HURL HURRICANES AND ROCKS AT THEM!! A more subtle way of dealing with these problems is by placing natural danger to temper the growth of civilizations. Just add a bunch of lions to the land, and the greedy civilization will be to busy dealing with lions to start a pillage somewhere else.
Sounds like my type of game! Thanks for bringing it to our attention, Rock, Paper, Shotgun.
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Plan It, Earth: Reus Gameplay Footage [Rock, Paper, Shotgun]