This Sunday, August 31st, marks thirteen years since Command & Conquer first advanced on our position. Unlucky for some, but not for fans of RTS retro gaming. 13 years may not be a particularly landmark-ey time period (technically, the series could be celebrating its Bar Mitzvah, I suppose) but EA have decided to throw a virtual party and give away presents. If you go to on Sunday, you can download your very own copy of the original Red Alert, absolutely free. Obviously, this is part of a promo for Red Alert 3 and if you pre-order RE3 from the site you can get a free copy of Red Alert 2, plus some extra RE3 goodies including desktop wallpapers (featuring Atkinson, McCarthy, Hu, et al) an series retrospective and an exclusive multiplayer map. The free-for-all starts at 12:00 AM Pacific Time
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