The Behemoth may be busy pushing Castle Crashers through Sony's approval process and working on BattleBlock Theater, but that doesn't mean they don't have time to work on a very special Castle Crashers treat for fans attending PAX this year.
I feel a bit sorry for PlayStation 3 owners eagerly awaiting their chance to purchase Castle Crashers at the newly-revealed $15.00 price point later this year. They're waiting for a doubtlessly entertaining yet inferior method of enjoying the game, while fans attending PAX in Seattle next month will have a chance to sample what I can only imagine is the best possible method for playing Castle Crashers: Via a custom-built four-player arcade cabinet. Oh yes.
Here's a little mock up of our preliminary design. Hopefully we can find some quadruplets so it can look just like this. We'll have more pics to post as we get further into the construction process.
We look forward to seeing more of this blissful creation as construction continues. As for your chance to see it, The Behemoth will be at the Penny-Arcade Expo on September 3-5t in Seattle at Booth #3102, selling swag and taking names.
Update on Castle's journey to your Castle [The Behemoth]