In a new trailer intended to show off Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 and 2’s challenge mode where players can choose to fight two Maverick bosses at the same time, Capcom inadvertently revealed something even more important: the bosses in Mega Man X5 will no longer be named after the members of Guns N’ Roses.
Like previous games, 2001's Mega Man X5 has eight different bosses players can choose to go after in whatever order they want. Unlike in previous games, where enemies had generic names like Launch Octopus or Bubble Crab, Capcom decided to name X5's after the iconic members of the late-80s, early-90s pseudo-heavy metal band. The robots were rechristened Axle the Red, Grizzly Slash,, Dark Dizzy, Izzy Glow,, Squid Adler, Mattrex, and Duff McWhalen.
Why, you ask? Apparently it was Alyson Court’s idea. Best known as the English-language voice of Resident Evil’s Claire Redfield, the translator and voice actor was helping her then-husband work on localizing the text for the game. According to several tweets of hers back in 2011, he was a big Guns N’ Roses fan. The rest is, as they say history, at least until now. Mega Man X5 was previously ported to PC without any changes to Court’s handiwork. This time, Capcom decided to do things differently.It was clear something was up when the fiery Reploid Mattrex (named after drummer Matt Sorum) was called Burn Dinorex in the latest trailer instead.
In a statement to Gamespot, who first recognized the names in the Legacy Collection had been changed, the company said the following:
“In our mission to make these collections an authentic Mega Man X experience, we took the opportunity to better align the naming of the Mega Man X5 Mavericks across all regions for better narrative cohesion across the series, making the names more aligned with the original Japanese version release. We hope that fans appreciate our intent to unify the Mega Man X Maverick-naming convention all these years later.”
Unfortunately, Crescent Grizzly and Shining Firefly don’t have quite the same absurd ring to them as Grizzly Slash and Izzy Glow. Which is saying something.