Tali'Zorah is one of Mass Effect's most memorable characters. Of course, much of that is due to Tali herself, but the character's superbly designed outfit and gear don't hurt, either. No wonder so many cosplayers love bringing the character to life.
Previously, Kotaku took at look at how cosplayers did up Commander Shepard (DudeShep and FemShep). And since this is Mass Effect Week, now is as good a time as any to have a look at Tali cosplay. Just Tali cosplay.
Below, you can find some, but certainly not all, of the best Tali'Zorah cosplay the internet has to offer.
If you are interested in learning more about the character, do check out her Wikia. And stay tuned as Kotaku's Mass Effect Week continues onward!
(Top photo: ThresherMaw/Nebulaluben/FantasyNinja)