Now you don't even have to leave your computer to buy clothes for your little Xbox person or purchase full 360 titles, as Microsoft adds the Avatar Marketplace and Games on Demand to
I'm not sure if there are people who sit around work all day, watching the clock for their opportunity to rush home and buy new clothing for their Xbox 360 avatar. If such people do exist, however, then today is their lucky day. Now all they need to do is visit the Avatar Marketplace on to spend their hard-earned Microsoft points on hats, pants, shoes, and accessories for their little guy. I'd bemoan the lack of a personal avatar preview option, but there really aren't that many differences between avatars anyway.
Along with the Avatar Marketplace comes the ability to purchase Games on Demand via the website, which is perfect for those who can't be bothered to stop at a store on the way home to pick up the downloadable titles at a substantially smaller price.
Avatar and Games on Demand Marketplace now on [Major Nelson]