This may look like the work of a prankster, some PhotoShop kid with too much time on their hands, but no, this was once (and still is, I guess) a real thing.
Released in the 1970s, this BP-endorsed board game wasn't exactly a hit, but it's sure a hit with collectors now, with old copies being dug up and dusted off in the wake of the Louisiana Gulf disaster.
The game had up to four players taking control of deep-sea oil rigs. While there was money to be made and pipes to be laid, there were also dangers, like...well, "Blow-out! Rig damaged. Oil slick clean-up costs. Pay $1million."
The game is probably rubbish, hence its obscurity, but who cares when the box art is that poignant, and that creepy.
Rare 1970s BP board game promises oil 'thrills' comes back to haunt them [Metro, via Gizmodo]