Back in July, Sega announced that the upcoming Sonic Boom games would be hitting the 3DS and Wii U on November 11 and 18, respectively. This morning, the Japanese company updated the release date of the Wii U version. Guess they don't want their hedgehog getting becoming a Grand Theft Auto casualty?
Both Sonic Boom games are coming out on November 11 now. What changed between the summer's initial release date announcement and this morning's update? Oh, just Rockstar Games telling the world that the long-awaited PS4 and Xbox One versions of GTA V would be coming on November 18. Now, Sega would never say that new-gen GTA V is the reason for moving the Wii U release up a week. But it sure looks like they don't want to have to worry about people picking up a game other than Sonic Boom when it comes time to decide.