Gears of War protagonists Marcus and Dom are appearing in the Xbox 360 version of Lost Planet 2. Gears of War is developed by American studio Epic, while Lost Planet is from Japan's Capcom. How did this crossover happen?
Capcom contacted Epic. It seems that it's as simple as that. "They [Capcom] contacted us about the cameo and we said 'heck yeah,'" Gears of War designer Cliff Bleszinski tells Kotaku. "We're mutual fans of each other's work and crossovers are darned cool so we sent over the Marcus and Dom models for implementation."
For Lost Planet 2, Capcom is working from Epic's original Marcus and Dom character models, but that does not necessarily mean it is working from Epic's Gears of War controller layout.
"I can't speak about the controls for LP2," Bleszinski adds. "Anything else about how it's accessed or used in game remains to be revealed. I'll leave that to Capcom's capable hands."