I’m not going to do a “Would you kindly” joke. I’m not going to do it. I’m better than that. Besides, you don’t need to be brainwashed to know how good a deal it is to get all three Bioshock games on PC for absolutely nothing at all via the latest Epic Games Store giveaway.
Starting today, you can grab, download, and install Bioshock: The Collection on PC via the Epic Games Store. This bundle includes remastered and touched-up versions of Bioshock, Bioshock 2, and Bioshock: Infinite. The collection also comes with all of the single-player DLC packs and expansions released for the games, including the beloved Bioshock 2 DLC, Minerva’s Den.
As with past freebies from Epic, it’s yours forever once you create an account and redeem the game. And as usual, this offer is only for the PC versions.
Don’t wait too long to pick up the Bioshock Collection for zero dollars and zero cents, as the deal expires on June 2. After that, Epic will move on to its next free giveaway. Last week it was Borderlands 3.
Bioshock and Bioshock 2 are immersive sims, or at least I and many others think so. Some don’t think the games are as deep or mechanically interesting as older imsim hits like System Shock, or newer genre entries like Prey. Regardless, in Bioshock and its sequel, you explore a creepy and (mostly) abandoned underwater city, Rapture. It was once a utopia, but greed, superpowers, and rich people ruined all that. Typical. Throughout the games you upgrade your cool powers and weapons, helping you take on all sorts of nasty splicers, the deadly remaining residents of the failed underwater utopia.
Bioshock Infinite is a bit different. It’s a more straight-up shooter, though it does feature some of the same powers and mechanics as the first two games. In Infinite you play as Booker, a man sent to save a young woman who’s locked up in a tower inside a giant floating city run by a madman. If you are playing the game for the first time ever, in 2022, be prepared for some very blunt and not particularly sophisticated political allegories. But if you can get past some of that stuff, you’ll discover a fun, action-packed, and beautifully made shooter with a trippy ending and some great DLC.
All three games are worth playing, especially if you can get them for free, which we’ve established you can. Just head over to the Epic Games Store and grab them before June 2. And who knows, maybe one day the next Bioshock game will be released. Perhaps it will be better than Infinite. One can hope!