Five years ago, Spider: The Secret of Bryce Manor became an instant classic in the iPhone games library. The moody, wordless experience turned players into multi-legged predators wending their way into creepy environments and a foreboding meta-story. That game's sequel won't just be debuting on iOS; it'll be on Android, PC, Mac and Linux. It might even show up on consoles. And when Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon comes out, it'll be pulling in the real world with it.
Tiger Style Games have turned out some of the best-looking, best-feeling titles for mobile games. After they turned out a HD version of Spider for iPad, the devs at the indie studio released the cooler-than-it-sounds action/gardening game Waking Mars. Now they're doing their first sequel, introducing real-world weather and location conditions into the environments of Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon. If you're playing at night, different insects will show up for you to feast on. Or, if it's raining outside your window, there'll be raindrops falling inside the game as well. Tina Amini and I caught up with Randy Smith and David Kalina at PAX East to get a look at the game in action.