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Being An Only Child...

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To: Crecente
From: Bashcraft
RE: How IS the baby?

Hrm, yeah, having a second child is a ton of work, but five years separates Mini and Micro. We're at the point where we can have Mini-Bash help out — save for when he runs away from the diaper changing. He will so not help out with that.


I'm a only child. Well, I grew up an only child, but I do have a half-sister. The age difference is significant and until recently, we weren't really in contact.


Being an only child does have advantages. When I worked for Quentin Tarantino, my boss was convinced that one of the reasons Tarantino was so successful was because he was an only child. I think that's painting with a broad brushstroke and am not entirely convinced.


And as I get older and older, I wish I had a brother or sister. When you're an only child and your parents pass away, that's it, you're alone. The end of the line. That's a supremely depressing thought!

I guess because I am an only child was one of the reasons I wanted another kid. My wife has three younger siblings. Dunno what her excuse is.


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