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Spike Awards TV Ratings Tank, Down 26%

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Ah, the Spike Awards. What better way to celebrate the year's achievements in an ever-maturing and important creative industry than with an evening of advertisements and ill-advised celebrity cameos?

Oh, what's that? You don't agree? You're not alone.

Nielsen ratings for the night show that 680,000 people tuned in last month. That's a 26% drop on last year's figures, and is the second-lowest since the event began in 2004.

Even amongst the show's primary demographic, 18-34 year-old men, the numbers were down, with 29% less viewers than the 2007 show could manage.


Variety points out that the Cowboys/Giants Sunday Night Football game was held at the same time, and may have drawn viewers away, but we're not buying that.

Spike Video Game Awards Viewership down 26% [Variety]